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NZ Solar Energy Buy-back Rates


Solar power is a wonderful way to capture the energy from Aotearoa’s beautiful sun, and convert it into electricity. Solar panels can be installed on your home’s rooftop and used to generate eco-friendly electricity that can save you a lot of money on your monthly power bill. Thanks to our abundance of sunshine, solar panels can often generate more electricity than your household needs. Many power providers will purchase this excess energy and pay you back in a rate per kWh. Be sure to compare the best solar buy-back rates in New Zealand so that you can get yourself the best deal. 

Shine on, no matter the weather, boost your property’s value, and save money on your power bill by investing in solar panels and choosing solar power. 

Retailer   Buy-Back Rate
L_1.jpg Electric Kiwi 8c/kWh on most available plans with 12.5c/kWh on the Movemaster Plan
Logo%20-%20white.png Megatel 7.4c/kWh
Genesis EnergyGenesis Energy12c/kWh
e8kemmeCvPnR_GWO2U7nmZLVnnPqk62q.jpg Contact Energy  8c/kWh. Maximum size capacity of 10kW.
Nova%20logo_Mobile%20Compare.%20230x230.png Nova Energy 10c/kWh
pulse.png Pulse Energy The buy-back rate varies by location.
eco.jpg Ecotricity 12c/kWh - 16c/kWh, the rate varies and is dependant on if you have a battery installed at home.
powershop_broadbandcompare.jpg Powershop 13c per kWh on a flexi term, there’s no buy-back cap and no leaving fees. Plus you can $150 free credit* over the first 12 months with us. *T&C and eligibility criteria apply.
black-box-power-logo.png Blackbox Power The buy-back rate varies by location.
frank.png Frank Energy 11c/kWh. Your system size should be 50kw or less. Please note,  Frank Energy is currently not set up for GST registered customers.
flick.png Flick Electric 13.2c/kWh (indicative). The buy-back rate varies according to the wholesale electricity price. The indicative buy-back rate shown is based on a 12-month national price forecast applied to a typical solar profile. Please contact Flick for more details. 
meri.png Meridian Energy 17c/kWh on a 5year contract  or 12c/kWh on all other plans.
merc.png Mercury Energy 8.5c/kWh 
octopus.png Octopus Energy OctopusFlexi: 17c buy-back rate (New customers)

OctopusPeaker Battery Plan

Peak export: 23c
Off-peak export: 10c
Night export: 5c

toast240.png Toast Electric 10c/kWh in Wellingston, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Kapiti & Horowhenua.
nmr240.png Nau Mai Ra No solar buy-back rate available. 
globug.png Globug No solar buy-back rate available. 
Tensor%20NZ%20logo-light%20230x230.png Tensor No solar buy-back rate available. 
Orcon-horiz-140.png Orcon No solar buy-back rate available. 

NB: This information has been sourced directly from the providers website. Updated November 2024.