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How to Reduce your Carbon Footprint and Save Money

Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint and Save Money with NZ Compare
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The 21st century has seen a rapid rise of global carbon emissions. Unfortunately, this poses dire consequences for our health, environment and wildlife in both the short and long term. While a lot of these emissions are caused by big corporations, Kiwis can still do our part to help. Making some changes to our daily routines may seem small, and even a little inconvenient. However, reducing your carbon footprint can also benefit you by saving you money. 

What is a Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are emitted because of our actions and behaviours. We can reduce this amount by making changes to some of our habits. 

7 Ways to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

1. Choose More Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy efficiency simply means that an appliance will be using less energy to perform the same task, which is vital in combating climate change and in achieving net-zero carbon emissions. It will also save you money in the long run as you will not be using as much energy to do everyday tasks such as running the dishwasher. If you are in need of a new appliance, you can use PriceMe to compare different products and their energy efficiency, as well as their price across a range of New Zealand retailers. It’s also a free tool!

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2. Conserve Water

Similarly, invest in appliances – such as washing machines and dishwashers – with a good water rating. This means that they will use the least amount of water possible to perform their task. This, again, will save you money on your water bill and ensure this precious resource is being used conservatively. 

Compare Washing Machines

Compare Dishwashers

3. Unplug or Switch Off Power to Devices When not Using Them 

When we keep our devices powered on at the wall switch, they can consume a tiny amount of energy, even when we are not using them. This is often referred to as vampire power or standby mode. Sadly, this can be a sneaky way to increase your power consumption and your bills! Simply unplugging or switching the power off to devices can help tremendously to reduce your carbon footprint and save you money over time. 

Read More About Vampire Power

4. Try Solar Power

Solar power is a sustainable energy source, harnessing the power of the sunlight and turning it into electricity. The energy generated can power your home just like any other electricity source. The best part about this is that, while there is the initial investment to get the solar panels set up and installed, they have a long lifespan and demand minimal maintenance. The power generated from the panels is then free! Thanks to the abundance of New Zealand sunshine. They even generate energy on cloudy days. What an awesome, eco-friendly investment that will save you money in the long term. A great option for the wallet and the environment!

Learn More about Solar Power

5. Eat Less Meat

Eating meals with meat emits more energy than plant based meals, due to the production of livestock – more water, and more carbon dioxide. By reducing the amount of meat we consume on a weekly basis, we can reduce our carbon footprint. It can be as simple as one meat-free day a week. This is a great opportunity to dabble in some yummy plant-based recipes, and will likely save you money. 

5. Compost your Food Scraps

Composting is a natural way of recycling organic products. It is a controlled process, using oxygen, that converts food scraps into a nutrient rich soil or mulch through the natural decomposition process. This rich soil can then be used to plant and nurture other plants and trees. Composting is an easy way to divert food scraps from New Zealand landfills. When food scraps end up in landfills, they emit greenhouse gases as they break down, such as carbon dioxide, which is harmful to the environment and will increase carbon footprint. 

Read our Compost Bins Buying Guide

6. Use Public Transport

A major culprit to a higher carbon footprint is fuel. Bigger New Zealand cities, like Auckland, are always chockablock with cars on the road, expelling their carbon out into the air as they move. For shorter distances, consider walking, cycling or using an electric scooter. Or make use of public transport if it’s available. 

7. Reduce Plastic Packaging

Single-use plastic just loves to fill up landfills and float into our waterways. There are many ways you can reduce the use of plastics in your home and therefore, divert it from the landfill. Use reusable shopping bags when choosing fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Take a refillable coffee cup and reusable water bottle to work or school. Use washable glass or plastic containers for leftovers rather than plastic cling wrap. Making use of reusable day-to-day products will also save you money in the long term. 

Did you know it’s easy to lower your power bill and your carbon footprint?

Comparing power providers and plans is a wonderful and easy way to reduce your electricity bill and your carbon footprint. Power Compare makes it easy to compare different providers and plans side-by-side, so that you can choose the best offer to suit your needs and budget. It also lists power providers for electricity, gas and solar so you can choose the source of energy for your home. Comparing, and making the switch to a better offer means you can save hundreds of dollars in the long term on power, while getting more value for your money. 

To do so, follow these simple steps: 

  • Go to our website.
  • Type in your address
  • Hit enter.
  • Browse all the different plans available to you & compare them side-by-side.
  • Find one you like and switch!

Or, if you’d prefer to speak to a friendly person, then give our customer service team a free call on 0508 22 66 72. They offer bias-free and hassle-free advice on power providers available to you.

From the team at NZ Compare, we wish you a wonderful, safe and sunny summer!

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