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Looking for a Power and Internet comparison tool?

Power Compare lets you find your ideal Power and Internet plan and ideal Power and Internet company for the best Power and Internet price in a matter of seconds. Simply enter your address and we will return the best available Power and Internet prices at your property. After that you can sort and filter according to your needs to find the great Power and Internet price for you.


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At Power Compare we believe that everyone should have the information they need to make an informed choice about their power plan. We’re not just about selling you the cheapest deal, we’re here to help you choose the best plan for you. Whether you’re looking for electricity, gas or solar power. And whether you’re looking for joining credit, the lowest electricity rates, or best discounts on your electricity or gas bill.

What are you waiting for?

A great deal on Power is just a click away! Simply enter your details and our friendly team will be in touch ASAP.

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Save on your Power and Internet bill

Looking for a Power and Internet comparison tool? Power Compare helps Kiwis find the ideal Power and Internet plan for the best price from more than 35 different New Zealand’s Power and Internet companies.


Great Power and Internet offers

Sick of paying huge Power and Internet bills? Check your Power and Internet options for free at Power Compare to find the best Power and Internet company. Then, compare Power and Internet companies to find the best Power and Internet company for you.


Power and Internet companies

We compare a huge range of Power and Internet plans and Power and Internet deals from over 35 different New Zealand Power and Internet companies. Compare all the best Power and Internet deals for free at Power Compare.  It only takes few seconds to check!